Forum Rules
The following rules apply to all forums on SSFORUM.NET unless otherwise noted.
The staff reserves the right to ban you for any reason outside of these rules if the actions are harmful to this server, forum, or forum's members.
1 - Advertising is defined as posting only to advertise a product, not to share something you found with other players.
2 - This includes private and password protected forums.
3 - Desktop threads, and other image defined threads are allowed, as they give warning of multiple images before clicking the link.
4 - Advertising is defined as a banner ad or any other form of image advertising another game or a commercial product.
5 - Technical Support and World Discussion are excluded from this rule as new details may come up that is relevant to many topics in these forums.
- No pornographic, discriminatory, or advertising posts allowed.1
- No excessive use of profanity.
- No linking to, posting, or uploading of any Cheats or Warez.2
- Keep images in topics to a minimum. If multiple large images, please link to the images rather than uploading or using bbcode to display them.3
- Post in the correct forum. All forums have titles and descriptions of what should be posted there. If any questions, ask the moderator(s) of the forum before posting. If you do post in the wrong forum, a moderator will have the right to either move or delete your topic. Do not post a topic asking where your topic went. Private Message the moderators of the forum you posted in to find out where your topic went if you cannot find it using the search option.
- Please use the Report Post to Moderator feature. Do not post in a topic telling someone they are not allowed to post that, or calling them out for breaking a rule.
- Do not argue any actions of the forum staff by posting a topic or posting in a topic. Please use Private Messages to discuss their actions with them.
- Do not Bump (reply to) any topics more than 10 (ten) days old.5
- Signatures should not exceed 5 lines of text/bbcode, with no images over 500px wide and 150px in height.
- No pornographic, discriminatory, or advertising signature images allowed.4
- No impersonation of another player or forum user on these forums or any other source of communication will be tolerated.
- Only one username is allowed per forum member. Admins will be more than happy to change your display and/or login name at request, and will merge or delete accounts as they feel the need.
- No spamming allowed.
The staff reserves the right to ban you for any reason outside of these rules if the actions are harmful to this server, forum, or forum's members.
1 - Advertising is defined as posting only to advertise a product, not to share something you found with other players.
2 - This includes private and password protected forums.
3 - Desktop threads, and other image defined threads are allowed, as they give warning of multiple images before clicking the link.
4 - Advertising is defined as a banner ad or any other form of image advertising another game or a commercial product.
5 - Technical Support and World Discussion are excluded from this rule as new details may come up that is relevant to many topics in these forums.